
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Dress Up

Pull up a seat. It's story time!

I had just finished some light house cleaning and snack time was approaching as I decided to check in on Kailynn in her play room. She was playing quietly and making a mess of toys as usual, so I set off to prepare her snack. As I'm cutting the grapes in half, I hear Kailynn singing the clean up song followed by the sounds of her rummaging through her toy bins. I was walking out of the kitchen and into the hallway when I noticed a trail of plastic bracelets and beaded necklaces. I followed the trail of jewelry into the play room and noticed that Kailynn had decided to play dress up. She looked at me with a big smile and said, "pretty." I ran to grab my camera and the smile disappeared as soon as she saw it. I had to take a picture regardless just to remember this moment.

This is how I found her dressed...

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